Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Online Banking

In observance of President's Day, all offices of Progressive Bank will be closed on Monday, February 17th. We will be open regular banking hours on Tuesday, February 18th. Your account information is available 24/7 through our PB Mobile app and through Online Banking.




Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Personal Checking Solutions

Your new Checking Account is waiting for you!

All of our personal checking accounts are designed with your banking needs in mind. Whether you’re interested in an account that puts your money to work for you or one where you earn monthly cash back from your debit card purchases, we have it here at Progressive Bank.

With ALL of our personal checking accounts you will receive the following FREE Services:

  • Instant Issue Debit Card
  • Online Banking
  • PB Mobile App
  • PB Smart Wallet with Apple Pay®, Samsung Pay®, and Google Pay®
  • E-Statements
  • Access to MoneyPass® ATM Network

Personal Solutions

Rewards Checking

You Choose Your Rewards!

Rewards Interest Checking

4.05% APY
on Balances up to $25,000      

Apply Now

Rewards Cash Back Checking

on all Debit Card Purchases

Apply Now

Designed to be the ONLY personal checking account you need.

    • Only $50 minimum deposit to open
    • ATM Refunds up to $4.99 each2
    • Free E-Statements3
    • NO Monthly service charge or per item charges
    • Unlimited check writing
    • Free Instant Issue Debit Card4
    • Send Money with Zelle®
    • Free ATM transactions at Progressive Bank ATMs
    • Free Online Banking with Mobile Deposit & Bill Pay5

Monthly Qualifiers for "Rewards" Interest and ATM Fee Refunds

  • At least 12 Debit Card Purchase transactions each month (statement cycle)6
  • At least 1 automatic debit or 1 direct deposit each month (statement cycle)
  • Enrolled in AND Log-in to Online Banking at least once each month (statement cycle)

1ALL Rewards Checking Qualifiers must be met to earn Rewards Interest and ATM Fee Refunds. For Rewards Interest Checking, if Qualifications are met, balances up to $25,000.00 will earn Rewards Interest of 4.05% APY and balances over $25,000.00 will earn .50% APY, resulting in 4.05%-.50% APY (depending on balance); if Qualifications are not met, ALL balances will earn .05% APY for that statement cycle. APY is Annual Percentage Yield. APYs accurate as of 1/1/2025 and may change after account is opened. Minimum opening deposit is $50.00. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. For Rewards Cash Back, maximum monthly Cash Back amount is $10.00. 2ATM Fee Refunds maximum of $25.00 per month. 3Paper Statement Fee is $3.00 per month. 4Lost/Damaged Card Fee may apply for Debit Cards. 5Third-party Internet/Data/Message Fees may apply. 6Card transactions must post and clear to count toward the monthly qualifier total. Available for PERSONAL ACCOUNTS ONLY. Limited to 1 Rewards Checking account per depositor. ®Zelle and Zelle related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.

Progressive Classic Checking*

If you’re looking for the conveniences of a straightforward checking account with limited fees, then Progressive CLASSIC Checking is the account for you.

Apply Now

    • Only $50 minimum deposit to open
    • No Monthly Service Charge
    • Free Instant Issue Debit Card
    • Unlimited Free Electronic Transactions including debit card point-of-sale, ATM, ACH, etc.
    • Send Money with Zelle®
    • Mobile Check Deposit
    • Free e-Statements (Paper Statements available for only $3.00 per month)

New Start Checking

With NEW START Checking, you have the opportunity to build a new banking relationship, even if you have had previous financial challenges or a less-than-perfect banking history; AND, you have access to secure channels to easily transact your personal banking business.

  • Only $25 minimum deposit to open
  • $4.95 Monthly Service Charge
  • Free Instant Issue Debit Card
  • Unlimited Free Electronic Transactions including debit card point-of-sale, ATM, ACH, etc.
  • NO Checks – only in-person and electronic transactions available with this account
  • e-Statements are recommended -- Free Paper Statements available

PRO Elite Checking*

With PRO Elite Checking, you can earn higher interest on your checking balances with no limitations on transactions.

  • $5,000 minimum deposit to open
  • $25.00 Monthly Service Charge on balances below $5,000
  • Free Instant Issue Debit Card
  • Unlimited Transactions
  • Send Money with Zelle®
  • e-Statements are recommended -- Free Paper Statements available

Interest Tiers

  • $100,000+
  • $50,000 - $99,999
  • $20,000 - $49,999
  • $5,000 - $19,999
  • No interest paid on balances below $5,000 

For current PRO Elite Checking interest rates and APYs (annual percentage yields), contact any Progressive Bank location.

*Classic Checking formerly Progressive Lite Checking; PRO Elite Checking formerly Treasury Rate Checking

®Zelle and Zelle related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.

Information Required to Open an Account with Us

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents. To make the account opening process as quick and easy as possible, here is the information that we require and the items you should be prepared to share with us when we open your account. Much of this information is required as part of the USA Patriot Act.

  1. NAMES of all account owners
  2. DATES OF BIRTH for all owners
  3. ADDRESS – MUST be physical street address (no P.O. Boxes)*
  4. IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS for all owners – generally your Social Security or Taxpayer ID number
  5. ADDITIONAL IDENTIFICATION (need at least one Primary and one Secondary)
    • Primary Identification for each owner – Current Driver’s License or State-Issued ID with photo
    • Secondary Identification – Social Security Card, Voter’s Registration, Birth Certificate, Student ID, Insurance or Hospitalization Card, Company ID, Vehicle Registration, Utility Bill

*If your physical address is different than the address on your Primary Identification, the Secondary form of identification MUST reflect your current address. For example, your Driver’s License may still have your previous address, but you have a utility bill that’s being mailed or references your current address. NOTE: This Secondary document MUST have your name on it.

Overdraft Alternatives

We have several alternatives available to you to cover your occasional inadvertent overdrafts. You will want to review this important information about the choices available to you regarding how we handle overdrafts on your Progressive Bank Personal Checking account.

Progressive Bank Overdraft Privilege

With Progressive Bank Overdraft Privilege, we may authorize debits to your account (up to the approved limit for your checking account type) when you happen to overdraw your account, depending on the types of transactions you have authorized us to cover*. There is no fee to enroll in Overdraft Privilege but our usual Paid Overdraft Item Fee (currently $35.00) will apply for each item covered through Progressive Bank Overdraft Privilege.

NOTE: For Personal Accounts only, we will limit the number of Paid Overdraft Item Fees we will charge per day to six ($210) per account. Also, we will not charge a Paid Overdraft Item Fee for items that overdraw your account by $5.00 or less in aggregate for a single day's transactions. The Paid Overdraft Item Fee applies to overdrafts created by check, in-person withdrawal, ATM withdrawal, or other electronic means. To maintain Overdraft Privilege, account balance must be positive for at least one day in any 35-day period. We may not pay your overdraft if you have not Opted-In for all transaction types or if you do not have sufficient available Overdraft Privilege to cover the amount of the overdraft and any associated fees.

Service Review

Eligibility: Personal checking customers who meet established Progressive Bank Overdraft Privilege eligibility requirements*. NOTE: Progressive Bank Overdraft Privilege is NOT available for New Start Checking accounts.

Privilege Amount: Determined by the type of personal checking account that you have

Access: Written Checks; ATM; Point-of-Sale (Debit Card); ACH; Online & Bill Payer Transactions

Privilege Status: To satisfactorily maintain the Overdraft Privilege, you must return your account to a positive balance within thirty-five days of the overdraft status.

*We do not authorize and pay overdrafts for ATM and everyday debit card transactions unless you ask us to (Opt-In). We pay overdrafts at our discretion, which means that we do not guarantee that we will always authorize and pay any type of overdraft. If we do not authorize and pay an overdraft, your transaction will be declined.

For more information on Progressive Bank Overdraft Privilege eligibility requirements, contact any Progressive Bank Financial Center.

Safety Net Overdraft Program

An alternative to Overdraft Privilege is our Safety Net Overdraft Program.

With Safety Net, if you have another personal checking, savings, or personal line of credit account with Progressive Bank, you can link this account to your Personal Checking account to utilize the available balance in the linked account to cover inadvertent overdrafts.

If you have enrolled in our Safety Net service and happen to have an overdraft on your Personal Checking account, funds will automatically be transferred, in $100 increments, to cover the overdraft amount (up to the amount available in the funding account). For each transfer that is made, a $10 Transfer Fee will be charged to your Personal Checking account.

NOTE: This is a one-time fee per transfer, regardless of the number of NSF items covered by the transferred amount.

Accounts available to cover overdrafts through the Safety Net Overdraft Program are:

  • Another Personal Checking Account
  • Personal Savings Account*
  • Personal Line of Credit**
    (May select only one Transfer Account)

NOTE: To link accounts for our Safety Net Overdraft Program, there must be at least one common owner on each of the linked accounts and that common owner must sign for the Safety Net service.

To enroll in our Safety Net Overdraft Program, stop by any Progressive Bank Financial Center.

*Safety Net transfers from Savings Accounts are considered pre-authorized withdrawals for regulatory purposes and are included in the monthly limit of six pre-authorized transfers per month. Any Safety Net transfer in excess of six during a statement cycle will incur a $10 Excessive Withdrawal Fee.
** Lines of Credit used for Safety Net are subject to Progressive Bank's normal credit approval process and may also incur interest charges.



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